One of the primary benefits of the Thermitight procedure is that it can be used on numerous areas of the body where loose skin is present. This includes the neck, breasts, arms, abdomen, thighs, and knees. This procedure makes use of a specialized heating technique that is applied at a sub-dermal level. While Thermitight is the shortened name for this procedure, it’s actually known as the thermistor-controlled subdermal skin tightening treatment.
Why Have a Thermitight Procedure?
There are numerous reasons as to why you should elect to have a Thermitight procedure completed on an area of your body. One of the best reasons is that the procedure is non-surgical and carries practically zero risks with it. By utilizing radio-frequency energy, collagen is naturally produced and any loose skin is tightened up for a more youthful and refreshing look. Loose and sagging skin can make you appear years beyond your actual age.
This simple procedure will ensure that your skin looks as good as possible. It’s also a very short procedure, so you won’t have to miss too much time from work. If you have loose or sagging skin anywhere on your body, the Thermitight procedure is one of the safest ways to tighten up the skin for a lasting solution. You’ll no longer feel self-conscious when looking in the mirror. It’s also a procedure that can be completed in one single treatment, so you won’t have to return to the doctor for subsequent treatments in the future.